Presently Nepal is gearing up to institutionalize federal structures. However our education sector has been like a crow lost in the fog owing to policy dilemmas and gull between policy provisions and preparedness of the local/ provincial structures to shoulder the stated responsibilities. Rigorous and productive endeavors are indispensable for their capacity enhancement. Some important steps have, nevertheless, been taken in this direction. Needless to say the journey of thousand miles towards prosperous federal Nepal has started with these significant steps. We can believe that one day we Nepalese can be sovereign and skilled architects of our destiny.
Candidly speaking our national education mechanism has been working as a system providing same sort of medication to the patients of various diseases. How can such system nurture the varying interests and caliber of students? Except for some efforts made at different levels by some agencies the dominant features of our education is' decontextualized one way traffic.
However, at the Times International College we have been trying to follow need based differentiated pedagogical approaches. We make every effort to inspire the students to aspire high and to enable them to translate their aspirations into achievements. We have been supporting our students to evolve as result oriented professionals with high degree of integrity. The productivity of our efforts to make significant connections between the texts and the real world has been vividly reflected by the academic and professional success of our products.
Nationally benchmarked infrastructures, professional faculty members, prime location, global exposure, maximum corporate interaction, policy dialogue programs, research based approaches, continuous assessment system, job placement support etc. are some of our salient features. Every student under the roof of times is our responsibility, which we meticulously shoulder. ‘The Times’ remains a formidable support of its students throughout their academic and professional journey.
We have created highly conducive environment to enhance the holistic development of our students. Our efforts are directed towards making our college 'an institution of everyone’s dream'. I cordially invite you to be a part of this institution and scale the Everest in your chosen field.